
The muselaar is a Flemish virginal. The Ruckers were the most famous builders.

It is the perfect instrument for the 17th-century Spanish, Dutch, and English harpsichord literature.

jOrgan version : 3.11.1      (upgraded  and revised  2010 Nov 10)

Screenshot       (revised  2010 Nov 10)

Download   :    (revised  2010 Nov 10)

Extract the disposition  subfolder ""  into your dispositions folder.

It contains :

- the new disposition  "Muselaar-McCoy-FS-3.11.1.disposition" (2010 Nov 10)
            with multiple temperaments included
- the skin : ""
- the soundfont :  "Muselaar.sf2"  ("Action noises" from Paul Stratman added to John McCoy "hpschd.sf2")
- a .mid workfile : "Muselaar-wrkfil.mid" to get the Recorder immediatly available.
- 2 .bat files : "PDF1.bat" & "PDF2.bat"  to activate the scores display  (revised  2010 Nov 10)

 PDF Scores :

PDF files can be opened directly from the disposition console with PDF 1 & PDF 2 buttons.
If you are interested by this option, just download :

                        William Byrd :  IMSLP05179-ByrdMyLadyeNevellsBookeofVirginalMusic.pdf   14,2 Mo ( install in the disposition  subfolder ""  )

                         J. S. Bach :   IMSLP23805-PMLP08790-Bach_-_Compositions_for_the_Lute.pdf   2,79 Mo             ( install in the disposition  subfolder ""  )


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